

April 2, 2002

Wow. OK. I guess no one is ever going to read this because no one has seen anything new in the last YEAR! I have been busy though. I am now a married person. Surprisingly neither my sanity or my Wife have run out on me yet. I also am currently on “Spring Break” from Brown College. (If you can call a lousy week off of school when I still have to go to work everyday a break!) I am going back to Brown to update my 1 Year Certificate in PC-LAN to an Associate of Applied Sciences Degree in Information & Network Technologies. I am working on a journal/personal stat page to keep you all intimately familiar with my daily life. (Well, maybe not intimately familiar, but at least passingly familiar.) Anyways, I’m off for now. We’ll see how much I can accomplish during my big “break”. Y’all come back now! Ya hear?

Filed under: Academic Hell,La Vie,Pre-Jack — GSeven330