
Time’s a wastin’

August 27, 2002

Err, well, I’m a wastin’ time anyway. I really should have more self-discipline I suppose, but I spent a little too much time on this here web page today. But, the rewards are many! (Well, two anyway.) I have created the Profile page and I created the Guestbook. Stay Tuned!

Filed under: Pre-Jack,Site News — GSeven330

Baby steps…

August 22, 2002

Well, I did a little work here and there today. With any luck, I may just unveil this sucker as my MAIN web presence any day now. (I can’t believe I just referred to my blog as my “web presence”…I am definitely a sick individual…)

Anyways, take a gander at how things are shaping up….BRB!

Filed under: Pre-Jack,Site News — GSeven330

Like sands through the hourglass….

August 15, 2002

Well, this is it. I have decided that, we no longer killed Kenny. After all, Kenny hasn’t even been on South Park for the last 2 seasons! So, I am moving the site into a new arena…

WEBlog! Yes, it’s true, there are many blogs out there, most of which are probably more interesting or better designed than the one you will see take shape here, but on the other hand, I don’t care!

Filed under: Pre-Jack,Site News — GSeven330