Cut and paste your adsense script between the list element tags in the sidebar-left.php theme file for great performing Google adsense ads. Even easier, create a text widget for Sidebar 2 and cut and paste your code in the text widget. That way you never have to touch a line of theme code!
Author Info
You can put anything here, such as author information or any other text. Even easier, add a text widget to Sidebar 2. That way you don't need to touch this code.
As you may know, I am something of a perfectionist. To be more precise, a perpetually failing perfectionist. i.e. My house is a mess, but my CDs & DVDs are all in alphabetical order on the shelf. If I can’t do something and have it all work out perfectly, I have trouble doing it at all.
So, as far as web design is concerned…I’m a real hands on, no fancy WYSIWYG editor, gimme Wordpad and I’m set kinda web designer. I actually enjoy this extended aggrevation…and I have been tinkering quite a bit here lately. Now, I think this is a good thing, but it has slowed down my intended update schedule. And, I don’t know how soon that will improve. I have a lot of things still kicking around inside my brain.
BTW, what do you think of my new layout? I’m not sure how plentiful the links are going to be (I suppose that would also depend on how often I update…) but I promise to keep you a’clickin’…..