
Are you Y10K Compliant?

January 3, 2000

Hey Kids! How’s the end of the world treating you? I’m actually stuck in a parallel universe where everything is eerily similar to how it was 3 days ago. (Only now it’s a Monday…sigh…) If you are having trouble dealing with Y2K I suggest you check out Y3K.com and bone up for the NEXT millennial
event. (Unless you actually listen to all the “experts” and believe that the 21st century doesn’t REALLY start until 01-01-01.)

I also thought I’d put in another of my shameless bids for more money and mention that my family got my father a DVD Player for Christmas. The nice thing is now we can buy him all kinds of
DVDs for future holidays and special occasions. (In fact the
Pioneer DVD Player
we bought him also plays Video CDs. So if you have one of those Phantom Menace Bootlegs you can watch it on your TV! (The sad thing is that someone could be making an ass-load of money selling those discs…..and his name is…George {Expletive Deleted} Lucas!!!!)

Filed under: La Vie,Pre-Jack — GSeven330

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