
Night & Day

September 8, 2005
Oh how time flies....


I know, I know. I’m not doing so hot on that resolution to post more am I? It often seems that it is always feast or famine for me, and I have been swept away even more than usual by the events that are important in my tiny life, to say nothing of the events of the world at large that deserve attention as well.

So, in the interest of getting the ball rolling, I offer up some brief summaries on what is going on in my life.

  • My new job: Everything is going really well. Not only is it just enough out of my comfort zone to be a challenge, it’s also giving me an opportunity to learn more about a rare species.
  • Theatre: Night of January Sixteenth is going well. Two weekends down, two to go. Rehearsals have already started for Zoo Story and I’m super-excited to be doing the show again. (Even though more sleep wouldn’t hurt me right about now….) If you are in the area and have any interest in seeing me perform I strongly urge you to come to this one. (Unless you’re easily offended. If so, you should wait for whatever the next play is. Maybe….)
  • Ren Fest: Sadly, I have only made it out once for part of a day. I hadn’t realized when I took the role in NoJS that every Sunday show would be a matinee, which makes it nigh ridiculous to attempt to make it out to site. Couple that with starting my new job and rehearsing a new show and you may understand when the one day to sleep in has overshadowed my festing. (I’d also still have to leave early to make it back to White Bear Lake by 7PM.) I hope to make it out this Sat or next, and hopefully the whole enchilada of closing weekend.
  • Movieoke: Movieoke Idol has been rescheduled for 9PM on Sunday September 18th. It will still be @ The Local in Downtown Minneapolis. Raven & I are ready to Movieoke our heats out to win this trip and audience reaction is included in the judging. So again with the pleading: If you think this sounds interesting at all or even like me a little bit please come out on Sept 18th!
  • Politics: Haven’t had a lot of time for Politics lately. (See above) But a quick reminder for any St. Paul-ites out there to vote for Chris Coleman in the September 13th Primary, so we can send Republican Randy home.
  • The Internets: I’ve been doing a boatload of administrative work on my various sites. Chaos Effect & jackswastedlife.org underwent software upgrades recently, and I setup a Beta installation of the new Callboard as well. I also recently realized just how many damn people I know use LiveJournal, so starting with this post, I will attempt to cross-post to my account there whenever new ramblings boil over onto the virtual page.

I guess that more or less sums up my life at the moment. Hope all is as well as it can be with you and yours in these nationally troubled times.

Remember: It’s always darkest just before they turn on the lights.

Filed under: Acting!,La Vie,Movieoke,Politics,Site News — GSeven330

Rock Star!

July 22, 2005
You're the Rock Star!
You’re the Rock Star!
Take What sort of Hipster are you? today!
Created with Rum and Monkey‘s Personality Test Generator.




Fuck college, fuck a “real” job! Music is your life! You’re a hometown hero! You’re in at least two local bands and are thinking of forming a third. You sleep on your friend’s couch, eat your friend’s food, and borrow your friend’s car. You frequent the dark city bars and hang with the other rockers and groupies. You wear dirty jeans, well-worn t-shirts, and your hair is a mess. You’re sinister and mysterious and look as if you don’t give a shit. You worship the Rolling Stones, MC5, and your older brother’s band. You’re gonna make it big one of these days, you can just feel it.

No, it really shouldn’t surprise anyone that Raven and I got the same answer…. makes one wonder if there should be laws against such marriages….

Yes I realize it’s been a little while…however, there’s not all that much to report. Raven and I are starting up rehearsals for a play, I am still interviewing for a new job, and I have been sucked into Guild Wars despite all of my efforts to the contrary. It’s actually quite enjoyable, and unlike most MMORPGs, it does not have a monthly fee.

I haven’t a great deal else to talk about just now…. but I’ll see if I can’t have something new up on Monday…


Filed under: Acting!,Geekdom,La Vie,Quizzes — GSeven330

Grand Old Daze

June 14, 2005
Grand Old Day 2005




Elizabeth Rex has closed. Due to cost constraints, we only ran one weekend, so we packed six performances into 4 days. Add the ordinary stress of tech week, a strike Sunday night, and a FIVE HOUR interview on Monday morning….and I’m a little wiped out.

Kaiser and I were able to spend a little bit of time together at Grand Old Day. A little bit of time meaning, long enough for me to buy a Corn Dog (No Pronto-Pups, damnit), and then turn around and walk home so I could sling pizzas. (You can read his scandalous account of the day here.)

It still kills me the number of people who still refer to it as “Grand old Days”. It hasn’t been DAYS in years. I miss it. It used to be more of a festival. Now it feels too calculated. Give ’em a few hours to wander the streets on Sunday afternoon then herd everyone into a local bar and have the streets open by 7PM. Bah.

Believe it or not, GOD (now there’s an acronym for ya) was the last chance I had for a little R & R. In addition to the work on REX, I’ve also had a Phone Interview or a face-to-face interview nearly every day. One day I had two interviews back to back, and on Monday I had a FIVE HOUR interview. (That one was with different people and included a lunch break, but seriously!)

Finally, last night was the Midnight showing of Batman Begins in IMAX. You’ll have to wait for a more in-depth analysis, but I’ll leave you with this:


Filed under: Acting!,La Vie,Movies — GSeven330

The Dark Side

May 13, 2005



So I would have posted news earlier… but I’ve been too busy watching the new trailer for Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith on repeat all last night and this morning. It’s amazing that even after Episode I and II, which I enjoyed enough but also carried some pretty lousy dialogue and plot, I still get goosebumps watching the trailer for Episode III.

OK. Granted that’s not why I haven’t posted. I’ve been a little bit overwhelmed by things lately, and believe it or not, I don’t like to think of this as just a place for me to bitch and moan about my life. So when I can’t think of anything positive to say…I tend not to say anything at all.

So, like I say, the quote above is not mine. It is the news from Ctrl-Alt-Del the day after the Ep. III trailer was released. (See the T icon on the left, if you’ve been living in a cave…) What struck me about it is that it mirrors almost exactly my feelings on the subject. Granted, anyone who’s talked to me even after Ep. I knows that I’ve been wary of critiquing the films at all, because I feel like I need to know where it’s going to leave us at the end of this film to know if it was worth the first two not quite living up to my expectations. (Disclaimer: I really like Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions, and Kill Bill Vol. I & II, but I thought both would have been better if they had been one film. Both sets of films suffer from what I can only describe as a feeling of unevenness. The first of both were more action oriented and the second of each were more cerebral.)

As you may have guessed,
Raven and I are going to see a Midnight showing of Ep. III on Wednesday.

Otherwise, there’s a lot to tell, and I don’t want to do it all today, but let me see if I can sum up.

  • My last contracted ended and I am unemployed.
  • Recently, I got really sick and vomited so much I tore a hole in my esophagus, causing me to spend a week in the hospital. WEE! (Yes, I’m feeling much better now.)
  • My wife and I were introduced by friends to Movieoke, which we are now semi-famous for. (The article actually says we are “slick”.)
  • I will be returning to the stage, in a production of Elizabeth Rex for The New Place.

Filed under: Acting!,Geekdom,La Vie,Movieoke,Movies — GSeven330

A Shot in the Dark

December 6, 2004






I’m not sure why I’ve got Star Wars on the brain lately, but at least I’m not the only one!

The funny thing is, I saw the shirt in my Think Geek Newsletter and thought it was hilarious, but I did not realize it comes from the same brain that PvP comes from! BTW Scott, (in case he checks his referrer logs) I realize that I know very little about webcomics, but I do know that every other one I read manages to get their comics up by NOON! <wink>

Sorry so quiet around these parts of late. I’m a little dazed regarding my remaining days of higher education. I have a lot of work to finish up in that rapidly diminishing timeframe.

Of course, staying up late and working on finding a decent photo of myself to use as a headshot doesn’t really help matters. And, then I had to scan it. Then, I had to crop it. THEN,I had to remove Raven from the picture. Oy. I think I did an OK job of it however. How does this look?

Geoffrey Hofman-Frethem Headshot

Hopefully this audition will be more fruitful than the last one. Wow. It’s been awhile. Amazing the crimp an 18-month academic program can put in your style.

The show wouldn’t even open until May, so at least I’d still get a little down time. I dunno, there’s a part of me that already is trying to plot what I should do to make use of my upcoming free time in the evenings. More school or studying for a Network+ or a CCNA? A new part-time job to help make ends meet? Start trying to make money on ebay?

Actually, I think I should get started on my new career as a lottery winner….

Filed under: Academic Hell,Acting!,Geekdom,La Vie — GSeven330
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