
Grand Old Daze

June 14, 2005
Grand Old Day 2005




Elizabeth Rex has closed. Due to cost constraints, we only ran one weekend, so we packed six performances into 4 days. Add the ordinary stress of tech week, a strike Sunday night, and a FIVE HOUR interview on Monday morning….and I’m a little wiped out.

Kaiser and I were able to spend a little bit of time together at Grand Old Day. A little bit of time meaning, long enough for me to buy a Corn Dog (No Pronto-Pups, damnit), and then turn around and walk home so I could sling pizzas. (You can read his scandalous account of the day here.)

It still kills me the number of people who still refer to it as “Grand old Days”. It hasn’t been DAYS in years. I miss it. It used to be more of a festival. Now it feels too calculated. Give ’em a few hours to wander the streets on Sunday afternoon then herd everyone into a local bar and have the streets open by 7PM. Bah.

Believe it or not, GOD (now there’s an acronym for ya) was the last chance I had for a little R & R. In addition to the work on REX, I’ve also had a Phone Interview or a face-to-face interview nearly every day. One day I had two interviews back to back, and on Monday I had a FIVE HOUR interview. (That one was with different people and included a lunch break, but seriously!)

Finally, last night was the Midnight showing of Batman Begins in IMAX. You’ll have to wait for a more in-depth analysis, but I’ll leave you with this:


Filed under: Acting!,La Vie,Movies — GSeven330

The Dark Side

May 13, 2005



So I would have posted news earlier… but I’ve been too busy watching the new trailer for Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith on repeat all last night and this morning. It’s amazing that even after Episode I and II, which I enjoyed enough but also carried some pretty lousy dialogue and plot, I still get goosebumps watching the trailer for Episode III.

OK. Granted that’s not why I haven’t posted. I’ve been a little bit overwhelmed by things lately, and believe it or not, I don’t like to think of this as just a place for me to bitch and moan about my life. So when I can’t think of anything positive to say…I tend not to say anything at all.

So, like I say, the quote above is not mine. It is the news from Ctrl-Alt-Del the day after the Ep. III trailer was released. (See the T icon on the left, if you’ve been living in a cave…) What struck me about it is that it mirrors almost exactly my feelings on the subject. Granted, anyone who’s talked to me even after Ep. I knows that I’ve been wary of critiquing the films at all, because I feel like I need to know where it’s going to leave us at the end of this film to know if it was worth the first two not quite living up to my expectations. (Disclaimer: I really like Matrix Reloaded and Revolutions, and Kill Bill Vol. I & II, but I thought both would have been better if they had been one film. Both sets of films suffer from what I can only describe as a feeling of unevenness. The first of both were more action oriented and the second of each were more cerebral.)

As you may have guessed,
Raven and I are going to see a Midnight showing of Ep. III on Wednesday.

Otherwise, there’s a lot to tell, and I don’t want to do it all today, but let me see if I can sum up.

  • My last contracted ended and I am unemployed.
  • Recently, I got really sick and vomited so much I tore a hole in my esophagus, causing me to spend a week in the hospital. WEE! (Yes, I’m feeling much better now.)
  • My wife and I were introduced by friends to Movieoke, which we are now semi-famous for. (The article actually says we are “slick”.)
  • I will be returning to the stage, in a production of Elizabeth Rex for The New Place.

Filed under: Acting!,Geekdom,La Vie,Movieoke,Movies — GSeven330

Bats on the Brain

March 8, 2005

Hehe…sweet. Batman in IMAX!

Of course, I’ve been burned on this kind of thing before. Matrix Revolutions was supposed to have been released simultaneously in IMAX as well…but the big Movie Theatre chains pressured the distributors into dropping that idea. Couldn’t stand the “competition”.

If you’ve never seen a film in IMAX, I’d highly recommend it. The picture is awesome, as you’d expect, but I actually thought the sound was stellar as well. There were some ambient sounds in Revolutions that I didn’t notice the first time I’d seen it.
In other new, I’m onto Dark Tower V, and so far I’m really digging it. (And please, no comments about how the series ends…I’ve already overheard snippets of conversation about it and I have no desire to know anything about it!)

On the way home tonight I am going to pickup Friends Season Nine and Pre-Order The Matrix Online. Something for Raven and something for me. I don’t know what I’m going to do after Season 10 comes out. I’ll have to start buying her some other series or something!




Filed under: Games,Geekdom,La Vie,Movies — GSeven330

I’m Batman

February 18, 2005

Which member of the JLA are you?


Losing his parents to a tragic mugging, Bruce Wayne took a vow to wage a one man war on crime. Using the image of the bat to strike fear into criminals, he dons the guise of the Dark Knight after the sun sets. A genius detective and scientist he is a valuable member to the League even without powers

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by YouThink.com quizzes and personality tests.




Big shock for y’all I’m sure.

I’m in sort of a funk lately, so I apologize for the empty screen real estate. I think I expected a little more to have coincided with my graduation, but just about everything is the same. I have more free time technically, but it doesn’t feel like it.

Work is playing a big part in my being in the doldrums. I keep working more and more and yet I’m getting nothing back. Well, I’m getting paid and all, but even that isn’t necessarily on an equitable basis right now.

I have been able to play a little more PC games, but that hardly feels like an accomplishment. I dunno. I’m just getting really fed up of biding my time. Hopefully something will start making sense soon.


  • The tale of IKEA shoppin’
  • Upcoming films that are getting me all worked up
  • More thrilling exciting things TBD

BTW, I really had no idea on the Medallion this year. It seems to work that way, last year I was literally a few feet away, this year I never even got out to a park. The explanations for this year’s clues are below.

Now if only there were a handy set of explanations for what I should do now….


Filed under: La Vie,Quizzes — GSeven330

I don’t wanna hear it….

January 26, 2005

Raven & I @ NQTYD & No Name Slob’s




Sometimes being a perfectionist isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

OK, so I have literally spent weeks trying to finish some stupid new years meme. It’s included in the extended text of this entry… but it’s not finished! Nor will it be! I am moving on!

Speaking of, I have gotten to Wizard and Glass, so at least one of my quasi-resolutions is on track! I’m also pretty damn pumped about my new cellphone! As you probably noticed on the right-hand side of this here browser window is my flickr badge. I’ll try to keep it interesting.

Other than that not much is happening but it is again Winter Carnival time so please lemme know what you think of the following clues!

Today's Clue -- January 26, 2005
The siren calls, the giant falls
'Tween field generals the poet sings
That down beyond the once blue pond
Is treasure fit for kings
Clue #3 -- January 25
Be safe and we pledge, neither cliff nor water's edge
Figures in your hunting pursuit
What's that you hear? Please, have no fear
It was there before we moved in
Clue #2 -- January 24
Snow we have missed much, this not very white Christmas
But the ice has come to stay
The water's quite frozen at this park we have chosen
Along its paths you may while time away
Clue #1 -- January 23
The old curmudgeon was in high dudgeon
When a critter ran off with the loot
But this year to be credible, we've made it inedible
And stuck it in a park

Filed under: La Vie,Meme Mania,Photography,Site News — GSeven330
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