
Bats on the Brain

March 8, 2005

Hehe…sweet. Batman in IMAX!

Of course, I’ve been burned on this kind of thing before. Matrix Revolutions was supposed to have been released simultaneously in IMAX as well…but the big Movie Theatre chains pressured the distributors into dropping that idea. Couldn’t stand the “competition”.

If you’ve never seen a film in IMAX, I’d highly recommend it. The picture is awesome, as you’d expect, but I actually thought the sound was stellar as well. There were some ambient sounds in Revolutions that I didn’t notice the first time I’d seen it.
In other new, I’m onto Dark Tower V, and so far I’m really digging it. (And please, no comments about how the series ends…I’ve already overheard snippets of conversation about it and I have no desire to know anything about it!)

On the way home tonight I am going to pickup Friends Season Nine and Pre-Order The Matrix Online. Something for Raven and something for me. I don’t know what I’m going to do after Season 10 comes out. I’ll have to start buying her some other series or something!




Filed under: Games,Geekdom,La Vie,Movies — GSeven330

You can’t go home again…

September 2, 2004

Ye olde homestead




I think it’s rather surreal the way some milestones in your life kind of sneak up on you and then are gone…while some things you anticipate the hell out of…and…not such a big deal.

I don’t really know where the sale of my parents’ house falls yet. On the one hand, I haven’t lived there for nearly 8 years. It was only my home from 1988-1997, so not all that long of a time period even. However, it was my home from age 12-20, and I have to say that I think that’s an important time in just about anyone’s life.

I keep hearing this ad for Garden State on the radio. There’s a quote in it that goes something like this:

“You know that point in your life when you realize the house you grew up in isn’t really your home anymore? That idea of home is gone. Maybe that’s all family really is. A group of people who miss the same imaginary place.”

I’ve been interested in seeing this film anyway, but this may just be the kick in the arse I was needing to do so. I’m a big fan of Zach Braff and his character on Scrubs. (Raven swears that I am that character…) I also hear that the film pays homage to The Graduate, which is another of my favorites, so I hope the film lives up to expectations.

As for the house/parents moving to Florida business…I don’t know that it’s anywhere near sinking in. Raven & I still plan to move in a year or so, and this year is the Michigan family’s turn to have us anyway.

Anyone have any thoughts to share on families moving apart? I don’t know if anyone’s noticed but we’ve gone to registered commenters only (one day with 178 SPAM comments kinda forced my hand there), and the registration process is pretty painless. It also will let you post on other MovableType sites that require registration. Give it a shot!

Oh yeah, one more quote for the road:

Martin Q. Blank : Dr. Oatman, please pick up, pick up! It’s Martin Blank! I, I’m standing where my, uh, living room was and it’s not here because my house is gone and it’s an Ultimart! You can never go home again, Oatman… but I guess you can shop there.

Filed under: La Vie,Movies — GSeven330

Name’s Ash. <cocks shotgun> Housewares.

August 24, 2004

Yoda's too sexy.




The truly sad thing is: If I had an extra $600, I’d TOTALLY buy a life size yoda statue.

Yeah, so, I’m probably not going to burst anyone’s bubble when I say this… AvP was amazingly not great. The funny thing is, the first time I heard about it, I thought to myself “There’s no way in hell they can make this concept into a decent film”. Then, I saw the last trailer, and detected a whiff of plot, especially since Lance Henriksen was going to be involved, presumably as some form of his android self, my hopes were raised to at least respectable levels.

Alas, no plot actually materialized in the film itself. I would have been happy with any scrap of new mythos, legend, origins, or what-have-you for either species… but we got a couple of cool fight scenes and some questionable “humour” choices that I won’t go into in here. All in all, a fun film, but it left a little to be desired.

I’d like to think I’ve learned from this experience….but I’ll probably go see Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash anyway.

“Good…Bad…I’m the guy with the gun.”

Filed under: Movies — GSeven330

The only bad review of Spider-Man 2

July 6, 2004

Power Corrupts.  Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.  But It Rocks Absolutely, Too.




Marvel Comics Suck Ass!

OK. There. Now everyone on the Internet hates me.

Let me start by making one thing perfectly clear: Spider-Man 2 is not a bad movie. It’s just so blaringly not a GREAT movie that I have to wonder what I’m missing. On Yahoo Movies I gave it a C+, which is “Flawed, but worthy”. I really hate reviews that give away too much about the film, but I’m gonna mention a couple of minor plot points, so if this offends thee, return soon and I will regale you with my tale of how the Taste of Minnesota continues to let me down. (Nothing but sunshine and light I know…)


Filed under: Movies — GSeven330

If I’d known you were coming…

April 19, 2004

Wow! I am more than a little taken aback at being chosen Minnesota Blog of the Day. I knew something was up when my hits quintupled that day. I do find it somewhat vexing that people seem to get the impression that I am Jack. Do you not see the signature on every post? Have ya never looked at my profile? Have you not seen the film?!?! Oh well, I’m still crazy honored and excited about it. Especially since I’m in pretty good company, since Picklejuice & Space Waitress Gate A have also been recipients of this distinction, and I likes them.

I’ve noticed that some of the blogs I am Blogrolling are a bit light on the posting, (something that we are never guilty of here at jackswastedlife), so I have fleshed it out a bit more. We shall see how long this fleshiness continues, as I do not feel comfortable linking to a site unless I actively go there myself. Sort of a “GSeven’s Stamp of Approval”.

Raven & I were not able to make it to see Akira as we had originally intended, because Friday she was not well and Saturday I was being an

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