December 19, 2011
Oh man, this place is gettin’ DUSTY!
I don’t really have any good reasons for letting the cobwebs settle, I just have been doing other things. :-/
However, I just started reading Wil Wheaton‘s book Just a Geek
and it reminded me that writing every day (Yeah, like I’ve ever met that goal.) makes you a better writer. It’s a simple concept and I’m more than a little embarrassed that I’ve neglected this site for so long.
So…. We’ll have to see if I can redeem myself. In the meantime, if I don’t post again before then, Merry Holidays!
January 26, 2005
Sometimes being a perfectionist isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
OK, so I have literally spent weeks trying to finish some stupid new years meme. It’s included in the extended text of this entry… but it’s not finished! Nor will it be! I am moving on!
Speaking of, I have gotten to Wizard and Glass, so at least one of my quasi-resolutions is on track! I’m also pretty damn pumped about my new cellphone! As you probably noticed on the right-hand side of this here browser window is my flickr badge. I’ll try to keep it interesting.
Other than that not much is happening but it is again Winter Carnival time so please lemme know what you think of the following clues!
Today's Clue -- January 26, 2005
The siren calls, the giant falls
'Tween field generals the poet sings
That down beyond the once blue pond
Is treasure fit for kings
Clue #3 -- January 25
Be safe and we pledge, neither cliff nor water's edge
Figures in your hunting pursuit
What's that you hear? Please, have no fear
It was there before we moved in
Clue #2 -- January 24
Snow we have missed much, this not very white Christmas
But the ice has come to stay
The water's quite frozen at this park we have chosen
Along its paths you may while time away
Clue #1 -- January 23
The old curmudgeon was in high dudgeon
When a critter ran off with the loot
But this year to be credible, we've made it inedible
And stuck it in a park
October 21, 2004
It’s ok. I’ve given myself a timeout.
The Management of would like to apologize for the tone of the previous post. It was a bit heavy-handed and is not the sort of discourse that (I hope) you have come to expect from my humble little blog.
However, life has been getting to me a little bit lately. Something had to give. Steam had to be vented.
Just to recap: I am currently working full-time, attending my last (thank god) quarter of college full-time ( days), trying to clear out my parents house, and preparing our house (paint, move furniture, etc.) for Raven‘s birthday party.
Work has been a bit of a drag too. I started this contract over a year ago now, when the IT market was more than a little bleaker. The pay rate is the lowest I have been paid in eight years. There have been promises of a raise that has been delayed again and again. Currently, I’ve been given half what I was originally told. <grr>
So yes, GSeven is grumpy. However, he’s also amused to see that he’s the #1 search result on yahoo for Am I Doesn’t seem like a URL one would forget…
Sorry surfers, no pictures of wasted people here. However, the kitty is up for adoption.