January 5, 2004
Amazingly enough, I think this break from school actually has helped my sanity. Things have calmed down at work, I have my evenings free to watch movies & spend time with the wife, I’ve even had some time to play video games and read some blogs!
However, I am fairly certain this is a just a rest-stop on my road trip to dementia. Things are bound to pick up here at work after the holidays and of course I will eventually have to start going to class again. I also have this nagging feeling I should be accomplishing something with this free-time I’d been hearing so much about. I haven’t quite decided what exactly is worthy of this free-time……..
Anyway, I do have a few irons in the fire here and hope to unveil some neat web tricks soonish…. but you’ll just have to stay tuned to learn what they are…..
BTW, this T-Shirt appeals to me on so many levels….I think I have to have one…..or six…..


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I know what you can do with your free time…clean the house!
Comment by Raven — January 7, 2004 @ 7:14 pm