Virtual Love
April 26, 2004
This week has been declared Blogger Love-in Week by snazzykat, and contrary to how it sounds (or how many Google hits) it does not involve nakedness of any kind. I hope. What it does involve is a little positive energy being put out into the blogiverse, and hopefully brightening everyones day. It’s now my mission to hit every blog in my blogroll and leave some friendly comment about how great they are, how much I wish I was them, and basically grovel at their collective web-doorsteps. |
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I try visit every blog on my blogroll every week. I doubt I’ll be groveling this week, regardless if it is Blogger Love-in Week. But, heck, I’ll leave a positive and truthful comment.
GSeven, I like the blue-on-black design of your blog. If you were to step into my cubicle, you would see that my xterms are that color scheme.
Comment by Scott McGerik — April 28, 2004 @ 9:55 am
Lately I’ve just not been able to focus on my web-browsing. Hence, my blogroll suffers.
I’m glad to hear you like my color scheme, I’ve always liked it myself, but sometimes I worry that it’s not as well received as I would like….
Comment by GSeven — May 3, 2004 @ 1:54 am