
Off Topic…..but at least it’s an update!!!

September 19, 2000

Hiya kids. I’m going OT on ya for a bit. First of all, I haven’t updated in a while…but
be nice to me…I’ve been in a bit of personal life blender. I am going to school at the
U” during the day and seeking employment for the evening
hours. But enough about me. In light of recent gasoline prices I’m adding a search box at
the bottom of the page for GasPriceWatch.com.
Be sure and check it out. Hey! BTW, NOT Off Topic is to be sure and sign up
for Multi-Mayhem VI if you live in MN.
I will be there so be warned! OK, enough of my babble. Go play more
Who says I have a one-track mind???

Filed under: Academic Hell,Geekdom,La Vie,Pre-Jack — GSeven330
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