
Fun at the Titty Twister

March 16, 2006

You're Seth Gecko, you bastard.
Fun at the Titty Twister.

Which B-Movie Badass Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla



I am amazed at how often I sit and stare at a blank entry. I don’t know why it is, but I just can’t seem to get started. Once the flow of babble commences however….

Well, a good chunk of time has passed. I’m not sure whether not much happened or a lot happened, but here we go.

First of all, I have a mouth full of metal. This is simultaneously exciting and annoying as hell. The first week (02/24/06) was just the braces themselves, and that took some adjustment but all in all I found it passable after the first 3-4 days. However! A week later (3/3/06) they installed some other thingy in the roof of my mouth which will (hopefully) prevent them needing to pull some teeth. This has proved to be much more difficult to adjust to.

For one thing, I can no longer touch the roof of my mouth with my tongue. While this is not uncomfortable per se, it has made my enunciation quite a chore. It also has made eating more difficult because copious amounts of food get stuck not only under my braces but also between the roof of my mouth and this device. I better have a dazzling smile when all is said and done….. <grumble>

I also have my Insulin Pump which I have been wanting for a few years now. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to get Allina to organize themselves enough to get me into their Beginning Insulin Pump class that I “have” to take. I am growing more and more tempted by the day to just hook the thing up and start using it. Still, I am doing my best to maintain some composure and I’m sure that I will be enjoying the benefits of uber-technology quite soon.

Tonight, Raven, Eric, and I are off to see V for Vendetta in IMAX! I’ll check in with you again soon…..

Filed under: La Vie,Movies,Quizzes — GSeven330

Care Bear Crossroads

November 8, 2005
Nihilist Bear
Nihilist Bear

Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla




That’s right, we don’t care about nothing!

No, no. That’s not really true. And I love fluffy kitties….

Well, here’s the thing. I’ve been busy, busy, busy, and I’ve been emotionally drained as well. So, I haven’t written. And the longer it takes me to get an entry entered, the harder it is for me to start.

So if you are still here, buckle your seat belts, ’cause here we go!!

As you may recall, I’ve been a busy actor of late. We started rehearsing Zoo Story right after Night of January Sixteenth opened. Both Raven & I have had health and stress issues that have taken some time and effort to clear up.

I’m really proud of my work on Zoo Story. It’s my favorite play, and I’ve done it once before, but I still feel like I was discovering new intricacies with each performance. When ZS closed, my attention turned full-time to the preparations for Raven’s 3rd Annual Golden
Birthday Party and the return of the Fire Inspector who apparently has too much free time on his hands. It was also around this time that my co-worker who’s position I am assuming actually left the company.

This also coincided with Raven and I having what I can only describe as our most difficult time during the 6+ years we have been together. We had a couple of real long nights, and I had a couple of really bad days. I think it’s fair to say that we have persevered and are even stronger now than we were. It hasn’t been a fun few weeks, but it’s worth the effort.

In other news, It looks like I will probably only have a day job through 12.31.06. Our parent company was acquired, and our product is no longer being sold. So we are providing support through the end of next year. At that point, I may try and find another position witihin the parent company, or it may just finally be time to pull up stakes and try out a new locale.

Speaking of, we had our Movioke Idol trip to Los Angeles last week which was a great deal of fun. It was unfortunately, painfully brief, but we were able to visit Travis, hit up the Bondage Ball, and see U2! Ironically, the part that almost didn’t happen due to scheduling conflicts, the hanging w/The Trav-man, may have had a longer lasting effect than anticipated.

See, Chicago has been the next step in our plans for a long time. Now, we’re starting to seriously consider Los Angeles. After all, if we’re going to try and be movie stars, we should go while we’re young (or young-ish) and we know we’ll love Chicago, maybe even want to settle down there for child-rearing and such. Therefore, maybe we should give the west coast a try?

Filed under: Acting!,La Vie,Quizzes — GSeven330

Room Full of Rocking Chairs

September 16, 2005
You are Silent Bob

What Dogma character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla




The way you overcome shyness is to become so wrapped up in something that you forget to be afraid.

– Lady Bird Johnson

People at my new job keep asking me if I get nervous before I go on stage. I think it’s interesting, because I am almost always completely calm backstage.

Sometimes, right before my lines or a big scene, I’ll get a little churn in the old tummy, but generally I’m cool. It’s the same thing with Movieoke. Karaoke however, is an entirely different story. It generally takes a lot of self-administered pep-talking to get me to get up and sing in front of people. And yes, it must and can only be self-administered. When people try to coax me into putting in a slip I always get self-conscious and slip back a confidence notch or two.

I dunno why that is. Part of it is obviously rehearsal. By the time you have an audience for a play you’ve (hopefully) had it down for a couple of weeks. That would explain my karaoke reticence, and yet, I’ll hop up and do a Movieoke scene I’ve never done before with little to no trepidation.


Speaking of Movieoke, the final day of Movieoke Idol is this Sunday. I’m trying to approach this the way I approach most things, which is my patented blend of positive cynicism. I’m certainly hoping that we win, but I also realize and acknowledge that there are many reasons why we may not.

Oh well. Please send us any spare positive vibes you may have laying around this Sunday night! I’ll post the recap of the event on Monday!

Filed under: Acting!,La Vie,Movieoke,Quizzes — GSeven330

The Waiting Game

August 7, 2005
You Are 38% American
America: You don’t love it or want to leave it.
But you wouldn’t mind giving it an extreme make over.
On the 4th of July, you’ll fly a freak flag instead…
And give Uncle Sam a sucker punch!

How American Are You?




I can’t believe actually knowing how many states start with a W earns you 2 percentage points…. Lord knows I’ve considered becoming a citizen of The United States of Canada, but the breaking point has not quite been reached… It’s also amusing to me that, of the 3 places we’d consider moving to in the contiguous 48, all happen to be a part of the aforementioned fictitious country… hmmm…

On a non-related note: I’m going crazy! Well, I guess the term “going” is maybe a bit of a misnomer, but I digress. I’ve finally gotten a job offer, but I don’t start until the 22nd. So, naturally, I’m convinced something is going to go hideous wrong in that timeframe.

I guess I’ve just had a real spell of bad luck lately. I’ve been mighty discouraged, and I’m just having trouble relaxing a bit.


BTW, if you’re not going to Movieoke @ The Local Sunday nights @ 9PM to cheer on
Raven and me, well, get with the program! We wanna win that trip to Los Angeles to see U2!

Filed under: La Vie,Movieoke,Quizzes — GSeven330

Rock Star!

July 22, 2005
You're the Rock Star!
You’re the Rock Star!
Take What sort of Hipster are you? today!
Created with Rum and Monkey‘s Personality Test Generator.




Fuck college, fuck a “real” job! Music is your life! You’re a hometown hero! You’re in at least two local bands and are thinking of forming a third. You sleep on your friend’s couch, eat your friend’s food, and borrow your friend’s car. You frequent the dark city bars and hang with the other rockers and groupies. You wear dirty jeans, well-worn t-shirts, and your hair is a mess. You’re sinister and mysterious and look as if you don’t give a shit. You worship the Rolling Stones, MC5, and your older brother’s band. You’re gonna make it big one of these days, you can just feel it.

No, it really shouldn’t surprise anyone that Raven and I got the same answer…. makes one wonder if there should be laws against such marriages….

Yes I realize it’s been a little while…however, there’s not all that much to report. Raven and I are starting up rehearsals for a play, I am still interviewing for a new job, and I have been sucked into Guild Wars despite all of my efforts to the contrary. It’s actually quite enjoyable, and unlike most MMORPGs, it does not have a monthly fee.

I haven’t a great deal else to talk about just now…. but I’ll see if I can’t have something new up on Monday…


Filed under: Acting!,Geekdom,La Vie,Quizzes — GSeven330
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