
Monday the 13th!!!

January 13, 2003

Minneapolis City Hall

I’ll bet there were much less publicized killings at some remote summer camp on Monday the 13th too…but, you know, same-old-same-old….

So! Notice anything different? Yes! I did get a hair cut! Does it look ok? I was a little concerned about the length…..

Part of me now wants to see if I can fill an entire entry without finishing a single thought….Oh, allright. Take off your shoes and set a spell. Just let it all sink in. This revamp has been in the works for like a week now! I’m working a contract for the city of Minneapolis as a HelpDesk Representative, and I just can’t tell you how much fun I’m having. Because if I did, I’d have to kill you. However, that is part of the reason this update has been taking me so long! I can’t load ANY software on my computer at work. So I can’t do any image editing….ARGH!

Well, that’s not important right now. Please note the links on the right hand side of the page. Not all of these will be here for each entry, and there are some you haven’t seen yet. Right now I filled up as much as I could. I would like to point out that the Literature link will have my own works in them. At least, that is the plan. I also hope to have some kind of picture to go with each entry. The inspiration for this addition to my ramblings is a.lifeuncommon.org. I intend to infuse things here with more of my artistic endaeavors, partly to keep myself active, and partly to justify making complete strangers listen to my incessant babbling.






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